3X Pitching Velocity Program
Add 5-10+mph to Your Pitching Velocity with the Most Effective Performance Enhancement Program for Pitchers in the Game!
2X Velocity Programs
Develop a Top Prospect Player Profile with the Most Effective Performance Enhancement Program for Position Players in the Game!
About the Programs
The only baseball programs in the game built on a 3 and 4 calendar system.
Proprietary Throwing Programs
All programs have proprietary throwing drills developed here at TopVelocity to help train the 3X and 2X mechanics.
Olympic Based Strength and Conditioning
The programs use an undulated periodization model with the variations of the olympic lifts as the core of the training.
Science Built Throwing/Pitching Mechanics System
The 3X and 2X Programs are built on over a decade of research and development of the most efficient and effective use of the kinetic chain to throwing a baseball at an elite level.
Instructional Video Library
All of the Top Velocity programs come with access to the Instructional Video Library covering every drill, exercises and lift.
Video Analysis
All of the Top Velocity programs comes with a Professional Video analysis of your throwing/pitching video with a comparison to a professional player.
Coaching Over Phone
All of the throwing programs come with 5 phone sessions with Coach Brent Pourciau to help you get started with the training.
Contact Us

GFT Hitting Program
The GFT Hitting Program will educate you first with the 2 Phase Hitting mechanics before advancing to the 4 more advanced hitting mechanics that include; back leg loading, front leg timing, proper bat loading, lower body sequencing, hip to shoulder separation and upper body sequencing.

Mobility Program
The 3X 90+mph Mobility Course shows you how to measure all your joint ranges, what are the ranges of high velocity pitchers and how to improve them.